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In addition to all other requirements set forth in this chapter, all wireless telecommunication facilities shall meet the design requirements in this section.

A. Order of Preference of Facility Type. Based on potential aesthetic impact, the order of preference for facility type is as follows (ordered from most preferred to least preferred): microcell, facade-mounted, roof-mounted, ground-mounted, and freestanding tower.

B. Visibility.

1. All facilities shall be designed and located to minimize their visibility to the greatest extent feasible, considering technological requirements, by placement, screening, and camouflage.

2. The applicant shall use the smallest and least visible antennas feasible to accomplish the owner/operator’s coverage or capacity objectives.

3. A wireless telecommunications facility that would be readily visible from the public right-of-way or from the habitable living areas of residential units within 100 feet of the facility shall incorporate appropriate techniques to camouflage or disguise the facility, and/or blend it into the surrounding environment, to the greatest extent feasible.

4. Facilities shall be compatible in scale and integrated architecturally with the design of surrounding buildings or the natural setting.

C. Location.

1. View Corridor Impacts. No readily visible antenna shall be placed at a location where it would impair a significant or sensitive view corridor except as provided for in Subsection (3) below.

2. Facilities in Setbacks and Between Buildings and Rights-of-Way. If telecommunications antenna or ancillary support equipment is located within any required setback or between the face of a building and a public right-of-way, permits are required as follows:

(a) An AUP is required for microcell facilities and facilities that are completely subterranean.

(b) A Use Permit is required for all other facilities.

3. Roof- and Ground-Mounted Antennas.

(a) Roof-mounted antennas shall be located in an area of the roof where the visual impact is minimized.

(b) Roof-mounted and ground-mounted antennas shall not be placed in direct line of sight of significant or sensitive view corridors or where they adversely affect scenic vistas unless the Zoning Officer or ZAB finds that the facility incorporates appropriate, creative stealth techniques to camouflage, disguise, and/or blend into the surrounding environment to the extent feasible.

(c) Roof mounted antennas shall be designed and sited to minimize their visibility and shall be no taller than necessary to meet the operator’s service requirements.

(d) Where roof-mounted antennas are readily visible, confirmation of necessary height for service requirements, at the Zoning Officer’s discretion, shall be based on independent analysis by an approved engineer retained by the City.

4. Satellite Dish or Parabolic Antennas.

(a) Satellite dish or parabolic antennas shall be situated as close to the ground as possible to reduce visual impact without compromising their function.

(b) When screened from pedestrian-level view from the public right-of-way and not readily visible from any property that contains a legally established residential use, satellite dish or parabolic antennas may be located in any required setback area subject to the approval of a Use Permit.

(c) No satellite dish or parabolic antenna may exceed 39 inches in diameter unless the Zoning Officer or ZAB finds that a smaller antenna cannot feasibly accomplish the provider’s technical objectives and that the facility will not be readily visible. The Zoning Officer may require that this determination be based on independent technical analysis by an approved engineer.

5. Monopoles and Lattice Towers. All monopoles and lattice towers shall be designed to be the minimum functional height and width required to support the proposed antenna installation unless a higher monopole or lattice tower will facilitate co-location or other objectives of this chapter.

D. Colors and Materials.

1. Colors and materials for facilities shall be chosen to minimize visibility.

2. All visible exterior surfaces shall be constructed of non-reflective materials.

3. Facilities shall be painted or textured using colors to match or blend with the primary background.

E. Lighting.

1. Facility lighting shall be designed to meet but not exceed minimum requirements for security, safety, or FAA regulations, and in all instances shall be designed to avoid glare and minimize illumination on adjacent properties.

2. Lightning arresters and beacon lights shall not be included in the design of facilities unless required by the FAA.

3. Lightning arresters and beacons shall be included when calculating the height of facilities such as towers, lattice towers, and monopoles.

F. Advertising. No advertising shall be placed on telecommunications antennas or other equipment.

G. Facility Design.

1. All facilities shall be designed to be resistant to and minimize opportunities for unauthorized access, climbing, vandalism, graffiti, and other conditions that would result in hazardous conditions, visual blight, or attractive nuisances.

2. The Zoning Officer or ZAB may require the provision of warning signs, fencing, anti-climbing devices, or other techniques to prevent unauthorized access and vandalism when, because of their location and/or accessibility, antenna facilities have the potential to become an attractive nuisance.

3. The design of the fencing and other access control devices is subject to Design Review.

H. Landscaping.

1. Where appropriate and directly related to the applicant’s placement, construction, or modification of wireless telecommunications facilities, the applicant shall maintain and enhance existing landscaping on the site, including trees, foliage and shrubs, when used for screening unless appropriate replacement landscaping is approved through the Design Review process.

2. Additional landscaping shall be planted as needed to minimize the visual impact of the facility and, when feasible, to block the line of sight between facilities and adjacent residential uses and properties in a residential district.

3. The appropriate minimum size of new trees and shrubs shall be approved through the Design Review process.

I. Projection of Equipment. Facade-mounted equipment, not including any required screening, shall not project more than 18 inches from the face of the building or other support structure unless specifically authorized by the Zoning Officer or ZAB.

J. Ancillary Support Equipment.

1. In order of preference, ancillary support equipment for facilities shall be located either within a building or structure, on a screened roof top area or structure, or in a rear yard if not readily visible from surrounding properties and the public right-of-way, unless the Zoning Officer or ZAB finds that another location is preferable under the circumstances of the application.

2. Above ground and partially buried ancillary equipment, including support pads, cabinets, shelters, and buildings, shall be located where they will be the least visible from surrounding properties and the public right-of-way. Such equipment shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with surrounding structures and/or screened using appropriate techniques to camouflage, disguise, and/or blend into the environment including landscaping, color, and other techniques to minimize their visual impact.

3. If the Zoning Officer determines that an equipment cabinet is not or cannot be adequately screened from surrounding properties or from public view or architecturally treated to blend in with the environment, the equipment cabinet shall be placed underground or inside the existing building where the antenna is located unless the Zoning Officer or ZAB finds that such placement is not feasible or consistent with the objectives of this chapter and other applicable requirements.

K. Co-Located Antennas.

1. When antennas are co-located, the City may limit the number of antennas with related equipment and providers located on a site and adjacent sites to prevent negative visual impacts associated with multiple facilities.

2. Architectural and other camouflaging treatment shall be coordinated between all users on a site.

L. Parking. Proposed facilities shall not reduce the number of available parking spaces below the amount required by the Zoning Ordinance.

M. Effect of Modification. At the time of modification or upgrade of facilities, existing equipment shall, to the extent feasible, be replaced with equipment that reduces visual and noise impacts as feasible. (Ord. 7787-NS § 2 (Exh. A), 2021)