This chapter is included in your selections.
- 16.04.010 Sidewalk repair requirements--Property owner’s duty to the public.
- 16.04.020 Construction of sidewalk, parking step, curb and gutter, etc.--Permit required.
- 16.04.030 Permit--Specifications and posting required.
- 16.04.040 Permit--Not granted when.
- 16.04.050 Director of Public Works--Scope of authority.
- 16.04.060 Construction materials and standards--Specifications generally.
- 16.04.070 Construction materials and specifications--Sidewalks and parking strips and parking steps.
- 16.04.080 Construction materials and specifications--Driveway approaches, curbs and curbs and gutters.
- 16.04.090 Gutter fill and street paving adjacent to curb or curb and gutter construction.
- 16.04.100 Work performance standards and specifications.
- 16.04.110 Fees.
- 16.04.120 Refunds.
- 16.04.130 Permit--Cash deposit or bond in lieu required--Conditions.
- 16.04.140 Driveway approaches--Removal and reconstruction authorized when.
- 16.04.150 Driveway approaches--Replacement of curb required when.
- 16.04.160 Work performed without permit--Increased fees required.
- 16.04.170 Construction costs a lien against property when--Procedures.
- 16.04.180 Exemptions from applicability.
- 16.04.190 Violation--Penalty.